Bike ready in 8 steps

A well-adjusted and well-maintained bike is simply more fun on upcoming tours, in bike parks or on your after-work rides. For this bike check, it doesn't matter whether you want to prepare an e-MTB, fully, hardtail or gravel bike. We'll show you everything you need to know on our Ghost Riot EN Pro.

You need these tools

- 1 set of Allen keys (+ Torx if necessary)

- Suspension fork pump

- Air pump

- chain oil

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Step 1: Check the screws for tightness

We start at the cockpit and check that all screws are tight enough. Firstly the handles: You must not be able to twist them, even if you try with a little more force - if you do, tighten them carefully with the Allen key until they are tight. Then check whether the shifters, seat post or other levers are tight.

Picture left: Tighten the grips, picture on the right: clamping screws stem / handlebars - you can also check here whether the screws are tight. Is the handlebar centred? Is the tilt of the handlebars correct?

Step 2: Adjusting the brakes and checking their function

Hand on brake lever: Place your hand in the centre of the handle and your index finger in the last groove of the brake lever. If not, loosen the clamping screw of the brake and slide it until it fits exactly. The inclination of the brake lever is individual, but should not be too steep downwards to prevent it from slipping forwards over the handle.
Check the function of the brakes: Pull the brake levers firmly and hold them for a while. The levers must not move slowly towards the handle. This ensures that the brake system is tight. Push your bike forwards and backwards with the brakes applied and with plenty of force and check that the brakes engage and do not slip. If they do, you may have oil on the pads. These should then be changed.

Step 3: Check whether the control bearing runs without play

Next, check that the headset bearing runs smoothly and without play. To do this, pull your front brake with one hand. Place your index finger and thumb on the steering head bearing with the other hand. Now push the wheel forwards and backwards and make sure that you do not notice any play. Turn the handlebars and check that they turn easily enough.

Loosen the clamping screws of the stem
Tighten the control bearing clamping screw carefully until the play is gone. If it is too tight, the handlebars will no longer turn smoothly. Then loosen the screw again slightly. Check that the handlebars are straight and retighten the stem clamping bolts. If you want to be precise, you can also use a torque spanner for this
Now stand in front of your bike, clamp the tyre between your legs and turn the handlebars to the left and right with a little force. You must not be able to twist the handlebars. Check that the thru axles are tight and free of play. To do this, grip the suspension fork and the front tyre with one hand and check that they are firmly seated. Then take the rear wheel and the frame by the top tube and also check that everything is secure.

Pro Tip

With fullys, you can also use this test to check whether all the joints of your frame are tight and free of play. If in doubt, use the Allen key to check all bolts for tightness.

Step 4: Tighten the screws in the rear derailleur

Firstly, check whether the screw in your rear derailleur is tight. This can often be the cause of faulty gear changes. The pedals should also be checked for tightness. We have a helpful document on this here.

Step 5: Check tyre pressure

The right tyre pressure determines whether you have enough grip on the trail. If you are going on a longer tour, you should know that a lower tyre pressure will result in higher rolling resistance. Start with a centre value for normal riding on trails. If you ride on a lot of loose ground and feel that you are losing traction slightly, lower the pressure a little.

Do you ride fast flow trails in the bike park and notice that your tyres start to wobble in corners and compressions? Then adjust the tyre pressure upwards. If your tyres are very cracked or completely worn, you should change them.

Left picture: The tyre pressure should be between 1.4 - 2.2 bar. This wide spread results from your individual requirements and the carcass of your tyre. A simple test, which also takes your body weight into account, is to lean on your tyre with your hands from above and check whether the side lugs of your tyre move towards the ground. If not, you are running too much pressure, if the tyre is bulging too much, too little.

Picture right: Have you checked all the bolts, is everything tight and without play? Then you're halfway there and we can now move on to the fine tuning.

Step 6: Adjusting the suspension

The correct setting of your suspension (suspension fork and shock) is crucial for maximum control and traction.

- Adjusting sag / negative suspension travel

In order for the suspension elements to work properly, they must be adjusted to suit your body weight. To do this, you need the fork pump and a wall to lean against. Here's how

Open the damping / lockout of the suspension fork and shock. Slide the control rubber rings towards the beginning of the suspension travel (these tend to be hidden in the end positions of your fork or shock). Stand in the centre of your bike in the riding position and rock a little to overcome the breakaway torque of the system. Now push the rubber rings to the current position of the fork and shock and carefully get off the bike without bobbing.

The rubber rings now show you your negative suspension travel. This should be between 25 - 30 % of the total suspension travel. You can now readjust with the fork pump. If you have too much negative suspension travel, pump air into your suspension element. If there is too little, release some air via the pump. Now repeat the above procedure to check that you now have the correct pressure in the system.

If you still have the feeling that you are shaking around too much? Then turn the adjusting wheels to the left towards minus to soften the suspension.

You can adjust your suspension harder or softer using the compression adjuster on the fork and damper.
You use the rebound adjusters to set the rebound speed. This is decisive for how firm and stable your bike is on the ground and how much grip it generates. The following test will give you an indication of the correct rebound.

Press firmly on your handlebars and release them quickly. If your front wheel bounces off the ground, your rebound is set too fast. When riding off-road, this results in a nervous riding sensation and causes your bike to bounce over bumps rather than staying on the ground and generating grip. Now turn the rebound adjuster in the plus direction and slow it down. Check again whether your tyre stays on the ground during the above test. If you notice during the test that the fork moves very slowly out of the suspension travel again, you must turn the rebound adjuster in the negative direction.

Do the same with your shock. Press firmly on your saddle and release it again. If your rear wheel bounces off the ground, it is too fast and you need to slow it down. If the rear shock extends very slowly, it needs to be adjusted faster. For some shocks you will need an Allen key for this.

Step 7: The perfect saddle height

Finally, adjust your saddle to the right height and angle for a comfortable riding position. With the seat post extended, your leg stretched downwards is just slightly bent.

The correct saddle height is determined by a round pedal stroke. Your leg is not stretched out at this point.

For a comfortable seat, adjust the angle of the saddle so that the tip of the saddle is slightly lower than the rear part. You can adjust the angle using the adjusting screws under the saddle.

Last but not least - Lubricate the chain and check the gears

Now apply some chain oil and ... Check that the gears all shift smoothly. You can make any necessary adjustments using the adjusting wheel on the gear lever.

Ready to ride

Respect! You've just got your bike ready for the season on your own and are now ready for lots of fun kilometres. If you are still unsure about anything on your bike, contact your local Ghost dealer.

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