Le biciclette GHOST sono acquistabili soltanto tramite i rivenditori. Puoi trovare il tuoi rivenditore GHOST più vicino tramite il nostro localizzatore di rivenditori.

Per ottenere il massimo dalla tua nuova moto e sentirti al 100% a suo agio, devi scegliere la giusta misura del telaio. Dai un'occhiata alla nostra bike-wiki per trovare quello giusto per te. Inoltre, dovresti anche controllare la nostra "sizing system". Se ti senti ancora insicuro riguardo alle dimensioni giuste, sentiti libero di metterti in contatto con il nostro team di assistenza attraverso il modulo di contatto.

We usually list the weight of the respective model under "Specs". If the information is missing, we do not have the weight of the series models yet.

Esistono diversi pesi possibili per tipi diversi di biciclette. Questa informazione è consultabile nel catalogo dell'anno pertinente. Vedi Download

Peso consentito massimo = peso della bici incluso il ciclista compresi indumenti e bagagli.  

Leggere inoltre i limiti dei produttori di ruote e mozzi DT Swiss, Mavic e Tune!

Do you have questions about your GHOST bike? MTB-News.de and eMTB-News.de each have a manufacturer forum where GHOST riders and users can exchange information. Both forums are moderated by the GHOST service team.

Le biciclette con telai in alluminio possono generalmente essere utilizzate sui normali rulli per l'allenamento (i rulli con i morsetti per la ruota posteriore e i rulli aperti senza serraggio fisso) Le bici con telaio in carbonio possono essere utilizzate solo sui rulli aperti come quelli senza morsetti.

Attenzione: Allenarsi sui rulli aperti necessita di capacità adeguate!

Il trasporto delle biciclette GHOST sul tetto o sul portapacchi posteriore di un veicolo può mettere sotto stress la bici e provocare dei danni. GHOST pertanto autorizza solo il trasporto di bici all'interno del veicolo. Accertati che la tua bici sia adeguatamente assicurata e non possa essere danneggiata (ad esempio da altri oggetti).


From now on, we rely on a specially developed algorithm for the holistic calculation of our so-called "from-rider-to-bike-geometries". This algorithm is called SuperFit. The bike no longer has to be "adapted" to the rider, because it fits almost every biker perfectly ("from-rider-to-bike"). This makes cycling intuitive and carefree – without any pain.

Currently, SuperFit bikes cover a body height range from 156 cm to 196 cm perfectly. The resulting frame sizes are XS – XL. Riders shorter than 156 cm fall into the kids / youth bike category. However, we don’t have any suitable bikes for riders taller than 196 cm at the moment.

SuperFit is not bike-fitting. Bike-fitting means to fit a bike as well as possible to the individual body shape of the rider. SuperFit means the design of the bike is already based on scientific data on human body proportions – thus, the bike already fits any height between 156 and 196 cm perfectly. Minimal final adjustments like saddle width and brake lever width may be made.

If you have questions please contact the nearest GHOST dealer. Besides that you can always get in touch with our service team through the contact form.

SuperFit bikes are available in different equipment versions in order to satisfy every biker and his or her demands. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, our range features the right level for everyone.

Base: designed for first-timers. Normal bike use.

Essential: for the occasional hobby biker. Suitable for the road and easy terrain. No special features. 

Universal: for the active hobby biker and daily use.

Advanced: for demanding bike lovers. High-end quality and best components. Equipped with additional tech features.

Pro: for demanding professionals who know exactly what they want and what they need. Premium quality components. Designed for tough competitive race conditions. 

Yes, all new GHOST designs will be based on the SuperFit concept.


Il diametro massimo autorizzato per i freni a disco è quello dei freni originariamente installati sui modelli della serie pertinente e del relativo anno. Tali misure sono valide sia per i freni anteriori che quelli posteriori, persino se il produttore della forcella rilascia dischi dei freni più grandi per le sue forcelle.

Ecco due esempi:

La SE 7000 ’08 e la 9000 ’08 sono dotate dei dischi dei freni più grandi della serie: 180 mm per quello anteriore e posteriore. Ciò significa che è possibile utilizzare dischi dei freni da 180 mm o 185 mm su tutte le bici SE dal modello del 2008 a patto che il produttore della forcella autorizzi la misura del disco della ruota anteriore! Se un produttore della forcella autorizza solo i dischi dei freni da 160 mm sulla ruota anteriore, allora è possibile montare solo dischi da 160 mm.

I modelli ERT dal 2007 sono dotati di dischi da 200 mm / 203 mm davanti e 180 / 185 mm dietro. Ciò significa che è possibile utilizzare queste misure massime per i dischi su tutte le bici ERT dal modello del 2007. Se si usa una forcella di ricambio, occorre verificare con il produttore pertinente se autorizza la misura del disco per la forcella. Se il produttore consente solo dischi fino a 180 mm o 185 mm, allora in questo caso i dischi da 200 mm / 203 mm non sono utilizzabili, persino se il design del telaio ne consente l'uso.

Il motivo per cui poniamo dei limiti alla misura dei dischi dei freni per le forcelle sebbene i produttori della forcella autorizzino dischi più grandi è che la frenata e il carico associato influenzano non solo la forcella, ma anche il telaio e più precisamente, il tubo sterzo.

Generalmente consigliamo di non superare l'ampiezza delle ruote originariamente installate.

Tuttavia, invitiamo alla prudenza quando si sostituiscono le ruote originali con altre delle stesse dimensioni di altri produttori. Nonostante le specifiche identiche per quanto riguarda la misura, l'ampiezza e il diametro delle gomme può differire tra produttore e produttore! Per questo motivo e per via del fatto che lo spazio rimanente tra gli pneumatici e i componenti fissi (telaio, forcella, ecc.) viene misurato in millimetri, è essenziale controllare se le gomme sostitutive lasciano spazio sufficiente.

Devono essere rispettati i seguenti spazi minimi per le ruote e i componenti fissi:

- 4 mm per le bici da corsa e

- 6 mm per tutte le altre bici

Quando si sostituiscono i componenti del telaio, occorre utilizzare parti con le dimensioni di quelle originali. In particolare nelle sospensioni (ammortizzatori), è necessario garantire che le dimensioni dell'interasse e quelle di installazione per riduttori e mozzi siano le stesse degli originali. Dimensioni diverse avranno un impatto negativo sulla manovrabilità della bicicletta e possono persino provocare danni al telaio. Nel caso delle forcelle, di solito è sufficiente utilizzare l'escursione della forcella originale, dato che l'interasse varia leggermente per la stessa escursione.

Alcune delle nostre biciclette sono dotate di supporto per cavalletto standard vicino al movimento centrale (piastra di supporto) oppure sul forcellino (supporto KSA 40).

Se nessuno di questi supporti è disponibile, è possibile installare un supporto posteriore universale. Nel caso di telai senza sospensioni (hardtail), è possibile scegliere tra un supporto con morsetti per foderi orizzontali e foderi verticali oppure un cavalletto fissato sotto allo sgancio rapido della ruota posteriore.  L'unico cavalletto adatto a telai full-suspension è quello con morsetti a sgancio rapido.

Attenzione: Se un cavalletto è fissato sotto allo sgancio rapido della ruota posteriore, occorre assicurarsi che il bullone di sgancio rapido sia avvitato completamente nel dado anche con il cavalletto. Non autorizziamo cavalletti che siano fissati solo ai foderi orizzontali.

ATTENZIONE: il gran numero di tipologie di cavalletti e marchi sul mercato non consente di definire del tutto se i cavalletti con il corrispondente supporto siano adatti alla bici. La soluzione migliore è rivolgersi al proprio rivenditore di zona.  Attenzione: I cavalletti potrebbero non essere adatti a bici con carro posteriore in carbonio.

I motori elettrici costituiscono un carico eccessivo per cui le nostre biciclette non sono progettate. GHOST pertanto non autorizza l'installazione di motori elettrici.

Se i foderi verticali e i forcellini sono dotati dei relativi golfari, è possibile installare un portapacchi. Se invece non sono presenti, allora l'installazione di un portapacchi non è possibile.

Dal 2017 sarà possibile installare un carrello su tutte le hardtail in alluminio GHOST. L'installazione deve essere eseguita da un esperto, tenendo presenti le specifiche del produttore.

Riding your e-bike in winter is no problem. Please note, however, that especially in adverse conditions such as snow or ice, you should only get on your bike if you are confident that you can do so under the difficult conditions!

Do not use a strong engine support (TURBO mode) when starting off, as this makes it easier for your wheels to spin in snow and slush. In addition, the tyre tread will be affected. After your ride, you should remove the battery from your bike, store it at room temperature and only reinsert it when you start riding.

In low temperatures, the battery of your bike loses capacity, which in turn has a negative effect on the range of your e-bike. Please bear this in mind before you set off on your tour.

You can protect your battery in winter with a neoprene cover from a specialist shop.

If you stop riding, you should also remove the battery, store it at room temperature and only reinsert it when you start riding.

If the e-bike will not be used for an extended period of time (1 month or more), you should do the following:

  1. Remove the battery when it is at 30-60% charge capacity (2-3 strokes)

  2. Store the battery in a dry place at 10-20°C

  3. For YAMAHA batteries: Check the battery charge level weekly and charge for approx. 10 min. if necessary (when the battery level is low).

  4. BOSCH batteries do not need to be recharged.

Your e-bike should be stored in a place protected from the weather, e.g. in the cellar, garage or under a carport. Do not forget to recharge your bike battery before your first tour.

Over time, your battery loses capacity, partly due to self-discharge. However, you can maximise the life of your battery by storing it correctly.

You should therefore store your battery in a dry, well-ventilated place that is protected from moisture and sunlight, at a temperature of approx. 10-20°C. The optimum storage temperature, which prevents or slows down the ageing process of the battery, is a constant 10°C (50°F). Make sure that you store the battery on a flat and stable surface.

If you ever need to charge your battery, you should do so under the same conditions. Be careful not to store the battery when it is "fully charged" or "empty": this will cause it to wear out more quickly. Also, avoid temperatures below zero and above 40°C: Storing the battery for just two hours below these temperatures can damage the lithium-ion cells of your battery.

If you have not used your bike for more than four months, an appointment with a specialist dealer or maintenance of your e-bike is recommended in any case.

Before your first tour, you should fully charge the battery. Only when you have used up your battery should you charge it to 100% for the second time - then you can charge your battery again as before. This procedure helps your battery management system to calculate the battery capacity correctly.


If you notice a technical defect on your bike and would like to complain about it, please contact the dealer from whom you purchased the bike first. He will help you or get in touch with us. All further steps will then be clarified between the dealer and our service department. Important to know: An obligation to deal with complaints applies only to the dealer who sold the product to you. Other dealers may carry out complaints processing on a voluntary basis, but are not obliged to do so.


Product responsibility still takes manufacturers to task when their products have reached the end of their life cycle. This includes proper disposal and environmentally friendly recycling.

GHOST-Bikes GmbH sells its products worldwide. We take responsibility for the disposal of our products beyond the German borders and already offer the trade products licensed in accordance with national environmental regulations in many countries.

The extended manufacturer responsibility mainly concerns the return and recycling of your electrical appliances, batteries and/or packaging.

Electrical appliances
There are numerous laws and regulations worldwide that govern the take-back and disposal of old electrical appliances. The most internationally known directive is the European WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC and its amendment 2012/19/EU in Europe. This directive regulates, among other things, the environmentally sound disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Here, too, country-specific take-back obligations have been established in many countries around the world as a requirement for the manufacturers of the products, among others. In addition to the European Battery Directive 2006/66/EC, there are many other laws worldwide that regulate the return and recycling of batteries and accumulators.

If packaging waste is generated after the sale of products, it is covered in many countries by the country-specific take-back obligations within the framework of extended producer responsibility.

Here, too, the best-known directive is probably an EU directive. In our case, the Packaging Waste Directive 94/62/EC, combined with its adaptations in 97/129/EC.

Electrical equipment (waste electrical equipment)
Many products of GHOST-Bikes GmbH are classified as electrical equipment according to the WEEE Directive. For example, in the case of the e-bike, the entire vehicle, minus all the batteries it contains, is considered to be waste electrical equipment.

If individual components of the drive system have to be disposed of, then these are of course also classified as waste electrical equipment.

In addition, the following general bicycle components are also affected by the definition:

  • LED headlight

  • LED rear light

  • Bicycle computers and parts of electric gearsticks or damping systems

  • as well as other electrical accessories.

Batteries (Li-ion batteries and various types of batteries)
In general, all types of batteries and accumulators are affected by the regulations. The lithium-ion batteries for our ePerformance products make up the largest part of our batteries/accumulators.

In addition there are

  • smaller batteries such as display batteries,

  • batteries in electrical circuits

  • or damping systems

  • as well as disposable batteries in other accessories.

Packaging (transport and sales packaging)
GHOST-Bikes GmbH ships all of its vehicles and accessories to the specialised trade packed in cardboard boxes.

This transport and partly also sales packaging consists of cardboard and plastic.

If one of these symbols is attached to a product or its packaging, it must not be disposed of in normal household waste. It is then, for example, an electrical appliance or the appliance contains batteries. Observe the applicable regulations for the separate disposal of electrical and electronic products and batteries. Proper disposal serves to protect the environment and health. Recycling cycles are most effective in this way.

Complete vehicles
Do not dispose of your vehicle in household waste. Hand it in at a municipal collection point or at a recycling centre. Alternatively, there are collections organised by municipalities or companies. Contact your local municipality or city council or look for information in your mail.

Electrical elements, batteries and accumulators
In the case of pedelecs, S-pedelecs, bicycles with electric gears or shock absorbers, all batteries and rechargeable batteries or removable operating parts containing batteries and rechargeable batteries must be removed beforehand. I.e. the batteries of the drive system, displays with permanently installed batteries, batteries installed in or on the frame for shifting or damping systems, etc. In the case of removable displays with a permanently installed battery, displays that still provide an active display after removal from the holder and do not have a recognisable battery compartment on the back, the entire display must be disposed of. It is only permitted to open a battery compartment accessible from the outside (usually a button cell). The display housing must not be opened to remove a permanently installed battery. Permanently installed display batteries are usually lithium-ion batteries and therefore hazardous waste. They must not be disposed of in household waste, but must be taken to a local authority collection point or a recycling centre. This also applies to replaced rechargeable batteries that cannot be used any longer due to wear or a defect. Please also observe the information in the chapter "Safety instructions / Battery safety instructions" in the supplementary instruction manual for pedelecs, S-pedelecs. Commercially available batteries - so-called portable batteries - can not only be handed in at a municipal collection point or a recycling centre, but can also be thrown into battery collection boxes that are set up in various shops. After the battery(ies) or accumulator(s) have been removed, the remainder of the vehicle is designated as waste electrical equipment and must then be recycled separately. Here, too, your dealer, but also the collection point of the municipality or a recycling centre can help you.

Note on the identification of batteries and accumulators
In order to clearly identify batteries or accumulators contained in electrical or electronic equipment, pay attention to the labelling of the equipment as well as to the description in the enclosed operating instructions. By identifying the type, the type and the substances and materials used, conclusions can be drawn about proper handling and disposal.

If batteries or accumulators contain mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) or lead (Pb), you will find the respective chemical symbol below the symbol of the crossed-out dustbin.

Electronic components and accessories
If LED headlights, LED tail lights or hub dynamos, as well as accessories such as bicycle computers or navigation devices are replaced or defective, they must also be disposed of separately. Leave such parts and devices at a municipal collection point or a recycling centre.

Note on deletion of personal data
If an electronic component is disposed of that allows personal data to be entered, stored or transferred to it, this data must be deleted before disposal. The owner of the device is responsible for this.

Packaging with which our vehicles are protected during shipment from us as manufacturer to the specialist trade is called transport packaging. As the manufacturer, we are affiliated with a return system to ensure that the packaging is disposed of correctly and according to type. This system is contacted by the specialist trade with the information provided by us. The system partner then takes back the sorted transport packaging from the specialist retailer.

Packaging that the end consumer purchases from the specialist trade with our accessory or spare part product is referred to as sales packaging. This must then be disposed of by the end consumer at the place of residence. As a rule, this can even be handed in to the specialist retailer directly after purchase. Paper, cardboard and cartons should be disposed of as waste paper, while films and other plastics should be collected as recyclables.

Separation by type can be done with the help of the labels that are usually affixed or applied. Three arrows arranged as a triangle and an additional marking with letters and/or numbers (coding) indicate the material used.

Example illustration

Example of frequently used codes

Stoff Abkürzung Nummer
… … …
Polyethylen niedriger Dichte LDPE 4
Polypropylen PP 5
Polystyrol PS 6
… … …
Wellpappe PAP 20
Sonstige Pappe PAP 21
Papier PAP 22
… … … 

Example of a possible sorting instruction for France

This marking can be found on sales packaging which has been applied for the French market.

Tyres and inner tubes
Tyres and inner tubes must not always be disposed of in household waste. Find out from your specialist dealer whether they will take care of collection and disposal or hand them in at a recycling centre or collection point in your municipality or city council.

Lubricants and care products
Do not dispose of lubricants and care products in household waste, in the sewage system or in nature. These must be taken to a collection point for special waste.

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